Some old punisher art work I haven't really shown this piece to anyone. So here's as good a place as any. So this weekend was pretty much awesome. My good friend Tamera from ages past whom used to live in South Caroline came to Manhattan and we get to hang out for quite a bit of time. watched a few movies and best of all she dyed my hair.... pictures later. But yeah she dyed it black in the front dark read in the back. So far i really like it. She left today when I wasn't hanging out with her because she had many people to catch up with here in ol Manhattan. I was either working or spending that time with Cherry.
This is also when i found out that one of my co-workers can drink like a fish. O.o totally put away most of the liqueur that I had brought over when me and Cherry disappeared into the ice cold frigging night for periods of 30 to 40 min apparently. We didn't really catch the time passing. I must admit I have a Cherry addiction now. :D After work today I went and helped her move into her new house which is up several flights of stairs and got to meet the famous pizza guy from California named Johnny lol. We got Pita pit afterwards I gotta say that Falafle Pita's are just the most amazing things ever.
I recently came to the conclusion that I must be a bad driver. But others if offended can be 90% worse. So I forgot to check my blind spot coming home for work today maybe to to the fact I was on the cell phone. But apparently someone had be trying to get the same place as me and I cut them off. I didn't even know work was long and I was just trying to get home and take a shower when I heard honking and saw this guy in my rear view mirror swerving through traffic and he speeds up right next to me. I had the window down and he proceeds to say something to this effect. "You stupid mother F***er get off the f***ing phone and pull the f*** over and park before you hurt someone you f***ing retard!" I actually am pretty sure this man whom had a K-state alumni sticker , k-state jacket, and hat and apparently mouth spewed out at me while swerving next to me because he wasn't watching the road in front of him while he was yelling at me and I was apologizing for my mistake and thinking to myself my indiscretion while bad does not warrant such a display of brazen road rage. and He speed off afterwards... I was on the phone with my dad at the time and he was just amazed lol.
In the most awesome news ever the weather man today on the radio said there was a 100% chance that there would be rain tomorrow. O.o seriously when have you ever heard a weather person say anything with such confidence especially in Kansas. If I was a weatherman in Kansas I would surely just assume that the weather has a mind of it's own and there little I could do to predict it. Well that's all for now.