Wow Feb. Was quite a month. Lets see It marked the end of Cherry and
I's break, The Anniversary of our first ever meeting the start of a new play for Cherry to be in, The arrival and subsequent hanging out I got to do with my brothers and mother, A super hero party, the bed, Cherry's Birthday, and our 11 month marker for being together. So lets see if I can blog a bit and do it all justice.
The end of the break well that was what it was it was really kind of
un-spoken we just started hanging out again. I feel a few conversation lead to this but between the two of us we have really been doing well. Our relationship is really more passionate and caring than before and I do my best to give her the space and independence she needs and she allows me my creative times as well. Our Partnership is much more understood I think. Anyway on to much more delightful news.
Cherry and I first met at Ella house. While I would not consider it favorable for me romantically that night... it was none the less fortuitous that I came across her. She was as always beautiful.
Sporadic and
spontaneous in her own way. She had me puzzled to begin with a puzzle I hope to always work on and finish much later in life. Anyway I was the least of her concerns that night and we both being flirts did our fair share with any passing fancy and we both passed a fancy for each other and that was about all. Still it was by right our tale of origin. So we celebrated it. The party was fun I ended up comforting a friend who fell on ill times. But what can ya do. The party also turned out to a be a kinda second cast party for Cherry's play...
Intimate Apparel. The first being at my place very
impromptu the night before. That was also fun but with many less people. Both events ended well.
The next two things happened all at once. Chery's birthday party where she turned 22 and my family
congregating in
Manhattan. Quite epic indeed. My mother whose passion is buying cute and lovable cards for people made Cherry's work day with a card and we had pizza. Taking the night off
souly for her we went out to the bars and hung out for a while with
after hours events at our friends house. We had a blast and it was good to get us all together again our work
schedules have been keeping us apart lately. The next day I spent mostly with my brother Stephen, his friend Andrew and
GF Karlynn. Where I missed him falling down a hill and busting up his whole body trying to long board. What ever were
Mizells the scars on our body tell the story of our life
lol. Later that day I had my now crippled brother help me get a new bed. Something I have needed to do for
ohhhhhhhh 7 yrs
lol. Mine was... well... I kinda slept on the floor. I got a decent deal on a bed and have now slept very well sense. Anyway the getting it home was the most interesting part as the Wind Gods decided to play games with it.
Monday was our 11 month
Sadly we barely got to hang out due to
scheduled conflicts but the time we did spend together was good we actually spent it putting together costumes for The Super hero night at
Auntie Mae's Parlor. Good lord that was a blast we even got my
roommates Nate and Dallas out of the house. Cherry and I of course stayed home ;) too much excitement you see. But two dashing super hero types that looked
a lot like us were seeing having a blast
Clod and Frizz.
Lastly I would like to make a special note on something that has become a Thursday habit for my
GF and I. We get some wine, she picks out an interesting book... although I'm picking next time
lol. And we
coozie up to a roaring fire, drink a little wine, and take turns reading to each other in a dimly lit room. This as fast become one of my favorite nights of the week based
primarily on this one event. Seems it will always be the small simple times I spend with my love that will matter the most I hope this new tradition will continue as long as we can.
Well wow that was way to much i should update here more often See you all next time.