Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thus concluded one year

Hard to believe that it's been one whole year. Cherry i think was more amazed at this than I. It wasn't an unusually romantic nights. More relaxing than anything else. We started the day off by sleeping in. I tell you this is an amazing way to start any day. Afterward we roused ourselves and went off to rent a movie after deciding not to go to the theater. Feeling a bit hungry seeing as we had slept through both breakfast and lunch we had gone to one our favorite restaurants and of course had out favorite waitress and eat heartily. Feeling very full and very happy, we went back to my place and watched one of the three movies we had rented called Lean on Me. It had Morgan Freeman in it and was just a marvelous movie that was definitely all Morgan Freeman.
After that we got to hang out with a married couple named Dallas and Cat Love. Dallas being my roommate. We thought about playing Apples to Apples. But we ended up using the red cards as things to play charades. After that we thought about watching a movie with Dallas and Cat and Cherry said we should watch the one I rented. I really hadn't expected to watch that with any one but Nathen because its a guilty pleasure for me and him sense it's obviously a bad B movie. It was funny but definitely not something we should have watched, i give cherry mad props for actually staying with it for the whole movie lol. This movie being " My name is Bruce" with Bruce Campbell afterward to get that wonderful movie out of my GF's head we watched the office till we fell asleep. Perfect day :D Much love to my dearest Cherry and our one year mark.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What about Work

Working can be hell. Can't imagine how any job no matter what it is even if it's something you really wanted to do could be hell. Sometimes I feel working at what you want to do is almost worse.   Then you are expected to do what you love on a schedule.  For now art is what I love. I do commissions on the side for a little extra cash. This comes in super handy sometimes and others you end up getting stiffed not that it costs me anything but time.  This is still for the most part on my terms. I choose the time and I always give myself enough time to finish so nothing is to difficult and that way I'm wonderfully happy with it.  So i choose to be a supervisor at a wanna be Mexican restaurant... So many people say they want so badly to get out of their job, town, or what ever but to go where.  So long as i can do art for myself and get enough time to read I'm happy.  Pleased as punch i am.  The best part about where I work is the people i work with so much fun and you can always tell when someone just works and someone won't fit in all all.  I have never felt like I have wasted my life I really enjoy what i do because i do what I like and i do it for me.  I have many friends to share these times with, a love to hold, and a family to fall to whom i know will always be there and love me.  Life is intrinsically good.  I could be doing anything and it wouldn't matter so long as I'm happy.  Really that's what is truly important.  Sometimes it goes up others down but it's ok it all seems to work out in the end.  So here's to more wonderful experiences with my friends and family.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Dream journal big bang

It was as close a family as you would ever have and yet we all seemed to travel in many different vehicles. Always spreading out across a city when we got there to that it felt more like visiting each other when we left to run into each other. We were a talented group of performers and that's how we earned our way in the world. To explain the kind or performances we did I wouldn't call us a circus act but we had our own appeal. This evening was about my eyes witnessing something so beautiful and yet so destructive. The horror of the unknown and the unexpected. The day seemed like a jumble of craziness I and my brothers were getting ready for bed at the time and the weirdest thing was we looked out into the night sky and saw these two bright streaks of light in the distance like shooting starts. Here's where my mind throws me for a loop we all yell for our mother to come check out this amazing spectacle and when she gets there the streaks in the sky were all that was left. All of us were really excited to have seen such bright shooting stars. Until we heard the concussion blast. The worst part was we knew people in that part of the city. A bright inferno rose up into the sky so high that the night seemed to turn to day I remember looking at the sky thinking wow its nearly blue skies. The second object must have been smalled for the fiery cloud didn't match the first but our vehicles were rocked and blasted with debris. Altogether having seen tornado's and other natural disasters this one really kinda stunned me. Although that sense of dread flowed through me I was ok My family was still safe and I had them because in the end family is what matters.

I still woke up and nearly fell outa bed after having that dream though lol . Wordie

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Shoulda listened

I have nearly been with Cherry for a yr and as that mark approaches I realize now that I have a head as think as steel sometimes. We have had our share of troubles and while she thinks she's to blame on many of them I have been recently learning that it might have something to do with me not listening. Sometimes, even when I am trying to be... well do things for her it could be things she doesn't want at all. Hell sometimes the best thing to do is just let things be and give some space. As I have looked at many relationships it has been said over and over again that it comes down to conversation and how well you can read your partner. No amount of sex, good times and or commonality can make up for a deaf ear. I am not stupid, nor am I unable to change. Especially, now that I have really started listening. Don't get me wrong I still screw this up. Sometimes, it can take a bit of time to understand when I need to really listen and when we are merely being playful. First off is tonality. When she wants me to really lets say; "let a subject drop" or do something she has asked. She'll adopt a different tone in her voice. This is something I would do well to memorize. Her eyes too. It takes a great deal of time to be able to read any one's eyes. But when I should be listening; my loves eyes change or at least it's very subtle. Small things like this and like Her entire countenance stiffening. These should all be bell ringers. Much like a man though I get my own idea and miss some of these blatant hints thrown my way and charge off head strong to do my own thing. This becomes exceedingly confusing when I get into this gotta fix it mode. If I do something wrong and I know it I get really determined to make whatever I did right by any means possible. Never even hearing the "never mind" or "it's ok" I have a tendency to blow things out of proportion. One of my lesser attributes I promise. You are helping me see the folly in such actions when easily not necessary. So I ask you my love to bear with me sometimes while I learn to better listen to you. "We," are important to me and I'll keep my senses on alert to better judge situations in the future so as to not fall victim to another situation I could have avoided had I just listened.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dearest February I will remember you fondly!

Wow Feb. Was quite a month. Lets see It marked the end of Cherry and I's break, The Anniversary of our first ever meeting the start of a new play for Cherry to be in, The arrival and subsequent hanging out I got to do with my brothers and mother, A super hero party, the bed, Cherry's Birthday, and our 11 month marker for being together. So lets see if I can blog a bit and do it all justice.

The end of the break well that was what it was it was really kind of un-spoken we just started hanging out again. I feel a few conversation lead to this but between the two of us we have really been doing well. Our relationship is really more passionate and caring than before and I do my best to give her the space and independence she needs and she allows me my creative times as well. Our Partnership is much more understood I think. Anyway on to much more delightful news.

Cherry and I first met at Ella house. While I would not consider it favorable for me romantically that night... it was none the less fortuitous that I came across her. She was as always beautiful. Sporadic and spontaneous in her own way. She had me puzzled to begin with a puzzle I hope to always work on and finish much later in life. Anyway I was the least of her concerns that night and we both being flirts did our fair share with any passing fancy and we both passed a fancy for each other and that was about all. Still it was by right our tale of origin. So we celebrated it. The party was fun I ended up comforting a friend who fell on ill times. But what can ya do. The party also turned out to a be a kinda second cast party for Cherry's play... Intimate Apparel. The first being at my place very impromptu the night before. That was also fun but with many less people. Both events ended well.

The next two things happened all at once. Chery's birthday party where she turned 22 and my family congregating in Manhattan. Quite epic indeed. My mother whose passion is buying cute and lovable cards for people made Cherry's work day with a card and we had pizza. Taking the night off souly for her we went out to the bars and hung out for a while with after hours events at our friends house. We had a blast and it was good to get us all together again our work schedules have been keeping us apart lately. The next day I spent mostly with my brother Stephen, his friend Andrew and GF Karlynn. Where I missed him falling down a hill and busting up his whole body trying to long board. What ever were Mizells the scars on our body tell the story of our life lol. Later that day I had my now crippled brother help me get a new bed. Something I have needed to do for ohhhhhhhh 7 yrs lol. Mine was... well... I kinda slept on the floor. I got a decent deal on a bed and have now slept very well sense. Anyway the getting it home was the most interesting part as the Wind Gods decided to play games with it.

That Monday was our 11 month Sadly we barely got to hang out due to scheduled conflicts but the time we did spend together was good we actually spent it putting together costumes for The Super hero night at Auntie Mae's Parlor. Good lord that was a blast we even got my roommates Nate and Dallas out of the house. Cherry and I of course stayed home ;) too much excitement you see. But two dashing super hero types that looked a lot like us were seeing having a blast Clod and Frizz.

Lastly I would like to make a special note on something that has become a Thursday habit for my GF and I. We get some wine, she picks out an interesting book... although I'm picking next time lol. And we coozie up to a roaring fire, drink a little wine, and take turns reading to each other in a dimly lit room. This as fast become one of my favorite nights of the week based primarily on this one event. Seems it will always be the small simple times I spend with my love that will matter the most I hope this new tradition will continue as long as we can.

Well wow that was way to much i should update here more often See you all next time.

Lines on the Road


There it stands before me and them
Sometimes 2, sometimes 1, and others just dashes
I counted you when I was but a child
You were the invisible gate
A line to determine our origins and our endings
As I aged I realized your importance
I realized what negligence to your rules meant
I tested the waters anyway swaying ever closer to danger
Legally you allow us to cross at times
At our own peril; at speeds to conquer
But even our brief trips were governed
A slight slip and the consequences were great
What lay just across your invisible wall
I can see it all and yet I cannot access it at length
Just to touch that freedom
To tear from the lines governing my life
To experience chances with fate
It is not rational. NO!
However, I still have these desires
Cross my double line
Steal away the possibility to coast safely
To find a new ending sooner than my destination
A double line to determine our origins and our endings
A flashing light to re direct
A piercing sound to bring me back to reality
Alas a monitory increment to remind me of my frailty
A new cage constructed in my mind locked with a slip of yellow
A new destination at a time to be determined
Freedom so close slips away again
Stolen by the double line
Stolen by the enforcers of civility
These urges pass
I return to the right and drive on
Ever wary of the intangible wall
The dark tunnel of night
Facing down your end in two high beams
