Friday, May 9, 2008

Behind Me

If asked what was behind me right now. I could name many things without looking. Literally, books from my years at school, a few anime toys, a couch that should be way more comfy than it is, My makeshift bed made of sleeping bags and comforters, a stuffed animal i think. pictures from some of my favorite artists and my DS with a slight imperfection in it's screen which kinda urks me but what can you do right? Figuratively relationships ended, life choices that have lead to joys and pains, and victories and mistakes a plenty. Most importantly right now there is a girl. She's fast asleep and if not probably mad at me for keeping her up or even disturbing her. ;) She's something else for sure. I have been very happy as of late. Could be a sudden surge of commissions. Could even be the good times I've had with family and friends. But the last month and a half have just blown me away. Life is new to me and I have been given new eyes to view it through. This relationship is truly a breath of fresh air and for a guy my size to be taken completely off my feet as has happened. Well its just intense. She lays there completely content dreaming of wild intangible things and all I can do is love it for even in sleep I still love spending time with her. I'm kind of a night person so going to bed early is a little odd for me but even I have been turning in more often. The effects another person in your life can have on you lol. After a long conversation I had with my mother the other day whom confided in me that she had been praying for the right girl to come into my life. Well I thank God her prayer was answered. She's a treasure. Clever, witty and slightly quirky in a very good way. She's a cute crazy, a whirlwind of whimsical transitions, and more often than not spontaneously romantic. She is stunning to look upon and more than seven or eight times I have heard random strangers tell her just how beautiful she is and what can i do but agree. To see her eyes light up demands a smile from me and usually a smile in return is granted and that smile is as refreshing as a sweet breeze on a hot day. I delight in our passion and always enjoy the long talks we have about all sorts of things some important and others quite inconsequential. I have seldom been as content as I am just to hold or be held by her. I can't wait to see how this relationship will grow, what new adventures we will have and what treasures we will learn about each other. Still she sleeps... silently surrendering to a waking life and soon I will join her in my own adaptations of a dream scape. I hope you all have the pleasure of meeting her someday and seeing that things I have. For now I'll sleep and dream of Cherry. My partner, my friend, my desire.


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