Sunday, February 1, 2009

Christian Zombie Vampire

Something my friend Tim wrote and I wanted to share cause it made me laugh

........wouldn't it be funny if Van Helsing stopped his hunting of the vampire-- and out of respect spent the rest of his life fighting for the preservation of the species because their food sources are becoming less and less available? He would probably start a reservation to closer keep a track on the dwindling numbers.
Of the few virgins that are left in the world...most just don't want to wander on up to those creepy castles anymore. and with the growing violence on the streets you won't often find your next meal, and more often then not they are either armed with a rape whistle or packing some "heat". both of which can cause you serious trouble.
The only vampire culture that is currently sustaining itself are the ones that hang around in rich, white, suburban areas that line most cities in the united states. They actually are doing quite well. They blend in with the goth and emo niches that mainly populate those areas, and the most important factor is that vast majority of them fit the vampires eating criteria.
A large portion of vampires look down on those "urban modernists" anyway, and van helsing won't even recognize them as true vampires in the first place. He misses the old days where you could count on your enemy to give you a decent hunt. He is quoted as saying that he will leave the vampires in the States "to those young tattooed punks with their crazy gadgets."


Heres a real thought from me----- Nosferatu and Dracula from Bram Stoker are the types of vampires that i dig. screw the blade stuff. blood blobs and dumb unoriginal tattoos and raves and all. and for the love of god if you are going to have a vampire story, quick making the main character half human half vampire.....

Isn't he great


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