Friday, January 16, 2009

In the smallest amount of time

So Me and my GF Cherry took time out of her busy schedule to watch a movie called Cash back. It's really this interesting tale of an art student who lost love and found love but it deals alot with these moments that so many things can happen in. As brief as a second but unless you live your life just right with no regrets you may find yourself in a disturbing moments indeed. Today I cooked for my love and we cuddled up and watched a movie. This is a moment I will Cherish. It wasn't overly intimate, nor extreme in nature just simple and lovely. To spend time holding the girl I love. To spend time loving her was altogether wonderful. You just enter a state of peace and the world ceases to exist around you. If this is love and I think it is then I am thoroughly pleased. We are coming up on a year Cherry and I and she looks just as beautiful if not more so with my more educated knowledge on her likes, dislikes, annoyances and favorite things about me. I feel our relationship is truly blossoming. Here is to you my dear my you have long days and pleasant nights.


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