Saturday, April 11, 2009

I will get to wear that funny hat again.

Wow it's been quite a while sense I last did a journal. So lets see has there any dramatic change in my life that would warrant a new journal i ask myself aside to post new art. Well currently I'm going through all my music on my computer and getting rid of any I don't really like. Yeah not too epic.

Carlos the place I work closed down on Tuesday because a transformer blew up underground and we were without power for the first part of the day. That was pretty cool cause I didn't really have to work. Me and the rest of the managers and the main boss just sat outside and hung out for like 3 hrs waiting for the power to come back on.

My friend Caitlin turned 22 got a little drunk at her party luckily my GF was there to take good care of me. i mean i rarely get drunk so its always weird to me when it happens. I got to see a pre-screening of the New wolverine move. It was ok I really wish it had been a movie based souly on Deadpool. What can you do though. Those Hollywood types are dumb.

But I'd say most importantly is the fact that I will be graduating from MCC finally. Turns out all I have to do is change my major up and I will be ready to go. I won't have to take any classes or do any christian service I'll just walk across the stage and receive my diploma and that may also include a minor I still have to see about that. But how awesome is that. All this would not have been possible had it not been one for my own laziness because this is a new degree that only this Jan became available. But most importantly my GF Cherry who has very subtly pushed me to success. It's her that had me opt to become a supervisor at Carlos O Kellys, She has pushed me to be more professional in my art and dealing with people. She has convinced me to wear underwear more often and Now she has definitely prompted my return to scholastic. I was actually going to take classes to finish until they told me I was done lol. So here's to you my dear thanks for all the good things you bring about in my life. I know I know everyone around me things I basically am the luckiest guy ever. weird huh. What ever see you all later.

I have picked up a new DSi it's basically a mod killer. To stop all the pirateing of DS games. So i kept my old DS to ply and or try out games first and then I'll use the new one for the games I plan on playing alot. It also can access the net albeit not very well. low memory kinda sucks. It have a way cool camera feature. All in all it will come in really handy in the moment sense i ussually carry my DS and not a camera. I have ordered a new camera too thought. Its a new powershot

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