Friday, August 14, 2009

The curses and blessings of life.

Most people in this world strive to exceed excellence. I suppose I am the same but I must admit I'm usually content with the way my life goes. very relaxed not a lot of drama and with in my means. These last few weeks have been riddled with apathy, excitement, crushing financial blows, and random drama. So to start all this my mom whom is awesome sent me 800 bucks as a help you out in the future type of thing from surplus crop funds. That on top of the 1000 I got from a commission led me to get a new TV and surround sound system. And pay off a lot of my credit card debt all together at once. Got rid of one credit card. YAY! 2 more to go. Well right after all this getting ready to knock out another credit card with the money my mom sent me I got a bit of car trouble that came in the form of a Grand of damage... :'( So there went that 800 lucky for sure that my mom had just sent that money. Cherry's gone for a week thats kinda weird I haven't really gone that long without seeing her even if we aren't dating. She was due for a real adventure though. I have been somewhat apathetic this week mostly video games and art and tv Shows. i watched all of Season 2 of both burn notice and The Spectacular spiderman. These are both amazing shows that you all should check out.
Other than that still doing a bunch of commissions and really working on getting them done and upgrading my art in the process. Hence the picture up top one of my first successful waccom paintings of cthuhlu vs Hellboy hope you like it. Lastly getting caught in between a friendly fire end of relationship with two of your friends sucks. thats all bye now.


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