Sunday, January 23, 2011

great white buffalo

So I'll be trying to write a little more here. You know cause so many people read this lol. I must admit my columns on TNTML have apparently gotten a lot of views. Don't know how many people like or dislike them no one's really commenting. Soon enough I'll keep writing until I have a faithful following. Really I just write what i know and about things I feel passionate or comical about. What's that you ask? No I didn't draw that image above here. I did color it. One of the few Satine released on her site. Bit of a discrepancy this will not be the version you see in the book. This one has the pupils. Very Very excited to be put in print with her later this year. Almost as excited as I was to have my name in Danny's LMS killbook. Dear god that was so beautiful.

Still that's not why I've taken the time to write today. The search for the Great White Buffalo may actually be turning out right. I was fearful when a cowboy interceded and try to coral this beautiful Bison, still I have faith that this time the waiting game won't be so long. Great White Buffalo = Girl that got away. Yeah, it's a long shot and I've been warned by more than one person not to go after girls who have been divorced. Still she's still amazing and I still like her. My feelings for her aren't going to change just because she was married. Talked to her for a few hours last night just telling stories. Was a wonderful night too. Great Saturday too I mean I didn't go out and I stayed in and talked to the girl I like. Go figure. So who knows how all this well go I've got my hopes up which is probably a mistake but hey a man's gotta hold onto his dreams.


Friday, January 14, 2011

wow been a while

Holy crap has my life been crazy lately. Seriously, I have had major waves pushing me all over and it's amazing. I can see my destiny unravel before me. The girl of my dreams is recently single. Who knows what will come of that but you never know especially the way life is working right now. Another girl who isn't single but is cool as all kudos has sprung up in my life. The wonderful Ashleigh Mayes. She writers for a blog called Kypto Dies. We have become writing soul mates at the other website we both write for Talk nerdy to me lover. Seriously, we just click so well. I will admit to having a crush on her. Now as you may remember I had things happening with the lovely Satine Phoenix who has a blog you can visit if you so choose called Sex, Food, and Comics. Well we finally paired up and while it was one month of very hard works you'll get to see our collaboration in the new year. Brought out by Rao Entertainment. That's just the tip of the Ice Burg turns out the TNTML website is getting turned into a TV series based around Jen's crazy life. Lord know I may even see an actor depicting me O.o how crazy would that be lol. Doubt that would happen but that's just how crazy this tale spinning life has been lately. I'll be posting more here later. For now this was my update.