Friday, February 19, 2010

Poety SLAM!

So hey all you cool cats n kitties. So went and signed up my crappy poetry for a poetry slam. That for all you people who were like me and had no idea what it is... IS a scored poetry match where each poet is awarded points based on presentation and poetry and the like. So here I was doing my kinda funny poems and tryng to get the crowd all riled up for me Crazy as it was apparently I was one of the best. I was going up against a national Slam poet so really i figured as most would that their was no way to get first so I assumed with that place taken I was left with little chance of placing between the 9 of us competing. Then outa no where I was called out as second place and up against a slam poet I just assumed that was first. Seriously hes way above any of us poems wise. Pretty much made my week.

A week thats been surprisingly hectic. I had a Valentines party on Sat. That was great fun even though i got a little emotional at it cause it was Cherry and I's 2 yr Anniversary of meeting and it reminded me she would be leaving soon. Sunday was a relaxing day nothing to crazy. Monday was of course the poetry slam. WOooo!!! Then Tuesday was the ever awesome Auntie Mae's hero and villains party I dressed up as the green lantern even though people said i kinda looked like a ninja turtle I still had a blast. Wed me n Cherry went out to our fav restaurant and had some good eats and then watch a movie that was basically the story of our life except with a happy ending lol and then tonight it was my friend sondra's B-day party went out to Finns. Love that bar. But I was glad I was her DD got to hold her while she cried for the loss of her Grandpa. Was glad i could be there for her. So this weekend I'm heading to Naka Kon to preform Yosakoi then after hitting up KC to party for Cherries B-day then Sunday sleeping till 5 in the afternoon lol.

That's about all peace my friends

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